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Fish salvage operations consist of capturing and relocating fish to minimize the risks of adverse effects or mortality associated with stranding, de-watering or other disturbance to aquatic habitat within a construction or project footprint where in-stream works occur. Occasionally, mussel salvages are also required to protect at-risk species from being negatively impacted by in-stream work.

AAE is experienced in conducting salvages in a variety of environments, from lakes, ponds, streams and rivers, to the inner structures of Hydroelectric Generating Stations. We are equipped to carry out fish and mussel salvages anywhere in Canada. Our team of biologists and technicians are knowledgeable and experienced in identifying, enumerating, processing and relocating fish and mussels to provide effective and efficient salvage services within both regulatory and fisheries enhancement frameworks.


Fish community inventories and fish habitat assessments are essential tools for managers to make informed decisions in the development of environmental protection plans for projects in and around water. Understanding fish population dynamics, community structure and the presence/absence of key species allows for proper mitigation and risk management measures to be implemented to minimize impacts to fisheries. Assessing, describing and classifying fish habitat is equally important to evaluate the potential for a given watercourse to meet the biological needs of different fish species and allows for determining work-related risks to the aquatic environment.

AAE is experienced in conducting comprehensive assessments of fish populations and aquatic habitat in all types of watercourses, from headwater streams to wetlands, rivers and large lakes. We possess all the necessary equipment to meet your fisheries assessment needs, including boat and backpack electrofishing equipment, gill nets, trap nets, fyke nets, beamish nets, seine nets, larval drift nets, minnow/gee traps and egg mats, among a wealth of other specialized equipment.


Hypothesis-driven and investigative or descriptive scientific projects in fisheries research are carried out to address knowledge gaps and gain a better understanding of the life history, physiology, behavior, distribution, movement patterns and general biology and ecology of fish species and populations. This research is integral to informed decision making in conservation and resource management and provides the basis for developing environmental protection frameworks.

AAE has designed, conducted and participated in several research projects. Our biologists are adept in designing experiments, developing and testing hypotheses, statistical analysis, interpreting large data sets, communicating science and are published authors with articles in highly regarded scientific journals.


AAE Tech Services Inc. is experienced in the development and implementation of compensation and mitigation plans for projects that may be deemed to harmfully alter, disrupt, or destroy (HADD) aquatic habitat. We have the necessary expertise to classify, quantify and evaluate habitat quality towards the development environmental compensation plans aimed at ensuring no net loss of habitat for projects where disturbance is inevitable, and mitigation is required.


Barriers to fish movement, whether anthropogenic (e.g. perched culverts, dams, weirs) or natural (e.g. beaver dams, log jams, rapids and waterfalls), segment fish habitat and prevent access to spawning, rearing, nursery, feeding or refuge habitat. AAE is experienced at identifying and assessing barriers to fish movement and in providing recommendations to improve fish passage and habitat connectivity to benefit fisheries. We have assisted in and conducted works aimed at the removal of barriers and the design and construction of fishways. We are also experienced in the design and implementation monitoring programs using acoustic and radio telemetry, fish tagging and sonar technologies to evaluate fish passage through suspected obstacles.


Any activity or strategy designed to rehabilitate or enhance spawning, feeding, nursery or refuge habitat, or availability and access to such habitat for fish, can be included under the umbrella of fisheries enhancement and restoration. AAE Tech Services Inc. has conducted many such works to improve fish habitat and habitat access in lakes, rivers, streams and wetlands, including projects aimed at improving spawning habitat, fish passage, water quality, in-stream cover and flow suitability, among several other key habitat features focused on improving and promoting the health of fisheries.


AAE is equipped to provide services that include brood stock collection, egg and milt collection and processing. We have assisted fisheries managers and hatchery operations in Manitoba and Ontario in the collection Walleye, Trout spp. and Salmon spp. and are experienced in the capture and processing of adult fish, both for brood stock and for the purpose of gamete collection. We have also assisted in the design and implementation of underwater video monitoring systems for the purposes of fish monitoring and improving educational opportunities for the visiting public.

Notably, we are in the process of designing and bringing to life our own mobile hatchery that will be equipped to provide cost-effective hatchery services to remote lakes and communities, to facilitate stocking and fishery enhancement with the ultimate goal of re-stocking hatched fish into the same body of water from which they were collected, thus improving reproductive success while also minimizing the risks of spreading pests, parasites and viruses between hatcheries and waterbodies. This will also eliminate costs associated with rearing fish to adult size and maintaining a brood stock. We will update this section as the project evolves. Stay tuned!

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